What is Flexibility in Physical Education?

The flexibility in physical education can be defined as the range of motion of the joints and the ability of the joints to move freely.

Additionally, it also refers to the mobility of the muscles, allowing more movement around the joints.

What is Flexibility in Physical Education?

Flexibility varies among individuals, particularly in terms of difference in muscle length and multi-joint muscles.

In some joints flexibility can be increased to some extent by exercise; Stretches are a common exercise component to maintain or improve flexibility.

Many factors are taken into account when personal flexibility is established. These factors include: structure of joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, skin, tissue damage, adipose tissue, body temperature, activity level, age and gender have an influence on range of motion of an individual.

The flexibility of the body can be improved by performing a series of mobility exercises for the joints.

To improve flexibility each joint should be exercised in turns and should be stretched or moved a little beyond its point of resistance. For best results, the stretch should be maintained for 8 to 10 seconds.

Why is flexibility important?

Basically flexibility is how far the joints move depending on the elasticity of the muscles.

Being flexible is important in almost every sport. Stretching regularly is the best way to improve flexibility; stretching should not hurt.

Flexibility is important in physical exercise because it allows you to have a better performance when playing sports or doing an exercise.

Additionally it improves the activities of the day to day; makes walking, crouching to grab something, or lifting objects is easier.

Without adequate flexibility, routine activities may be more difficult to perform. Inadequate flexibility can also affect athletic performance by preventing an individual from achieving the full potential, strength, and power of their muscles.

Benefits of Flexibility in Physical Education

There are many benefits of flexibility training. It mainly improves the range of motion of the joints and muscles. It also decreases the risk of injury.

When the muscles are flexible, the individual is less likely to have an injury during physical activity.

Flexibility also helps reduce muscle pain; Flexibility training can also help reduce muscle soreness after an exercise.

Stretching after exercise keeps your muscles loose and relaxed. Finally, flexibility improves athletic performance.

When joints and muscles are flexible, less energy is used when moving. For this reason it improves the general athletic performance.

It is important to work with total flexibility throughout the body. Most people have flexible knee joints because they are more used in daily life and regularly stretch the quadriceps and hamstrings.

On the other hand, most people will be stiffer on their hips and back because they are not commonly stretched.

Techniques to work flexibility

There are two training methods to improve flexibility: static and dynamic.

That said, all types of flexibility training will be much more effective after a warm-up when body temperature is elevated.

Static Stretch

This flexibility training method involves taking a specific joint or group of joints through a range of motion to a comfortable completion point (at least 20 seconds), resting for about 20 seconds, then repeating the stretch two or three times .

The goal of static stretching is to overcome the stretch reflex (the automatic contraction of a muscle when stretched, which relaxes after about 20 seconds) to bring the joint to a wider range of motion.

This can be done by keeping the stretch gently and not over stretching the muscle.

The advantages of static stretching is that it can be performed by virtually almost everyone; is taught easily and is quite safe. Once learned it can be performed in any environment without extra assistance or equipment.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of static stretching is that it will improve flexibility in a specific position of the body and only to a small degree outside that position.

Out of that position, its effect is limited for athletes or those who wish to improve their flexibility in different ranges of motion.

Dynamic Stretch

This flexibility training method uses increasing dynamic movements throughout the full range of motion of a joint.

Dynamic stretching develops an active range of motion through the reciprocal inhibition process where the agonistic muscle is contracted while the opposing muscle is carried through the elongation process.

When done properly, dynamic stretching heats joints, maintains current flexibility, and reduces muscle tension. Exercise begins at a slow pace and gradually increases in rate of intensity.

This method of stretching has better results before performing an exercise or activity that is based on movement.

The advantage of dynamic range of motion is that it is extremely useful for athletes, and for those who want to warm up for an activity that requires a wide range of motion, especially when speed is involved.

The disadvantage is that the dynamic range of motion should be used gradually and only by those who have been shown an appropriate series of movements.

If inappropriate movements are used, a small trauma can be experienced over time in the joints and in the connective tissue by movements that are very fast or occur in a range of extreme movement.

When combined, dynamic and static stretches can prepare the joints for explosive movements more than a single type of stretching could do.


  1. Flexibility. Retrieved from teachpe.com
  2. Flexibility in fitness: definition of stretches and exercises. Recovered from study.com
  3. The importance and purpose of flexibility. Retrieved from humankinetics.com
  4. Flexibility. Retrieved from wikipedia.org
  5. Flexibility training. Recovered from revisionworld.com

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