The History is used to study last. It is the narration of the events that have occurred in humanity, including the rise and fall of great nations, as well as other relevant changes that have affected the political and social conditions of the human race.
However, people often question what history is being studied for as they live in the present and plan the future. In this sense, being in the now and anticipating what has not yet occurred takes time; Then why should we worry about what has already happened?
The answer is simple: because you can not escape the past and because all people are living stories.
Normally, one tends to think that history does not represent a useful study because the product of his study is not as tangible as that of other disciplines.
However, this science is indispensable because it not only studies the events that have already occurred, but also creates bridges that connect those events with the present.
For example, each society speaks a language and practices traditions that it inherited from communities that lived in the past.
In the same way, technologies are used that were not created in this century, but are the result of a process initiated by the human being thousands of years ago. Therefore, understanding the past is necessary to understand the present.
Also, this is the basic reason why this discipline is still being studied. However, below are other motives that prove the importance and usefulness of the story.
1- History allows us to know the events that have occurred in the world
One of the simplest elements that prove the importance of history is that this is the only way through which you can get to know the events that have changed the world.
In this way, a first approach to the complexity of the functioning of societies occurs.
2 - History is a source of collective experiences
History provides experiences that allow us to understand how certain events shape societies, that is, history is a source of"collective experiences." For example, a community that has never participated in a war can study their influence through historical data.
In this sense, it could be said that history is a kind of laboratory, the historical data being the results obtained.
3- History allows understanding societies
It could be considered that history is a storehouse of information on the behavior of societies.
Historical knowledge facilitates in some way the study of the motivations of peoples, since it provides valuable information that can be used by other disciplines in charge of the study of the human as a social being.
The data obtained through the study of history could not be obtained through any other science.
Some sociologists have attempted to develop experiments that demonstrate patterns of behavior in individuals; However, these theories only work with individual objects. Thus, history provides information on mass action.
4 - History justifies the changes that have occurred over the years
Through the study of history, one can come to understand how societies came to be what they are today.
The present in which we live is the result of the decisions that others made in the past and these decisions, in turn, depended on events that preceded them.
For example, the First World War began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria ; In turn, this murder was due to the War of the balkans And the expansion of Austro-Hungarian Empire .
In this sense, only history allows us to trace the links that make up the chain that connects the present with the past and, in this way, to understand the changes that have given rise to present societies.
5- History provides a sense of identity
History provides and strengthens the identity of peoples; This is one of the main reasons why modern nations promote the study of their own history.
The information provided by history shows how families, social groups, organizations and entire nations were formed and, likewise, shows how the identity of these groups has evolved over the years.
It should be noted that identity can operate at different levels: knowing the history of the nation generates a collective identity, while knowing the history of the family from which it comes generates a personal identity.
6- Knowing the story generates model citizens
It is generally said that the study of history provides national identity and, therefore, creates a bond of loyalty to the country of origin, giving birth to good citizens.
However, this would be to reduce historical study to a source of nationalism; The story goes much further and provides information on patterns of behavior that can be beneficial to a society.
7- History can be a source of inspiration
Throughout history, there have been several figures who have had to face adversities and who, despite this, have performed impressive feats.
With this we not only refer to the great men and women who are recognized as"heroes", but also"ordinary"people who showed courage and diligence.
For example, the"suffragists"were a group of British women who fought for the right to vote during the twentieth century.
This movement was initiated by Emmeline Pankhurst , A highly recognized woman who continues to inspire feminist movements today. The other suffragists, although not so well-known as Pankhurst, are also a source of inspiration since they fought for a noble cause.
8- History allows to know other cultures
History is not limited only to the study of single society, but is responsible for studying the various cultures that have existed over the years.
At the same time, it establishes relationships between cultures and the nations that practice them. All this makes it possible to understand with greater clarity the functioning of a society while allowing us to expand our cultural baggage.
9- History allows us to choose wisely
As already mentioned, history acts as a laboratory that provides evidence on the behavior of peoples in the context of certain events. In this sense, current societies could use this knowledge to make sound decisions.
It should be noted that historical knowledge is not limited to decision making, but also influences a person's ability to discern.
This means that the study of history promotes critical thinking, allows us to weigh different opinions and positions on the same historical event and reach an objective conclusion.
10- History repeats itself
The best reason to study history is that it repeats itself. Therefore, it is important to learn from the mistakes others have made in the past so as not to repeat them in the present; As expressed by the saying"he who does not know history is doomed to repeat it."
In this sense, history functions as a source of collective experience. Similarly, the study of this science the framework of knowledge necessary to understand, or at least approach an understanding of the world and different cultures.
In general, this knowledge will allow us to broaden our horizons, while learning to appreciate and respect other societies.
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