What is Physical Culture? Most Relevant Features

The physical Culture It is a lifestyle that seeks the optimal state of mind and body. Its main objective is to move man away from a sedentary lifestyle, the worst enemy of well-being.

It is automatically related to the physical education , and although this corresponds to one aspect of physical culture, it is not the only one.

What is Physical Culture?  Most Relevant Features

Physical culture does not refer only to education in physical activity. It includes a combination of exercises, good nutrition and healthy habits.

In this way, it creates a balanced union between physical and mental health, which leads to integral well-being.


Physical culture emerged in Germany in the mid-nineteenth century, and was taken by German immigrants to the United States at the end of the same century.

What is Physical Culture?  Most Relevant Features 1

It was born out of concern for office workers, who spent most of their time sitting at desks doing a monotonous job.

The concern for this lack of physical activity generated a belief system focused on integral well-being. Subsequently, physical culture was included in military training systems.

What is Physical Culture?  Most Relevant Features 2

At the beginning of the 20th century this practice had already become popular. Gymnasiums, books and academies began to appear that instructed in physical culture as a way of life.

Balance between body and mind

The center of this practice is the binomial body-mind . His thesis is that integral well-being can only be achieved when all parts of the being are in balance.

To cultivate the body, which is the first part of the binomial, the execution of exercises and activities of different nature is sought. Includes cardiovascular workouts, weightlifting, aerobics and others.

The type of activity is defined by the needs and physical capabilities of the individual.

Special care is also taken in food and nutrition, through special diets that avoid a combination harmful to the body.

The second part of the binomial, the mind, is protected from stress, anxiety and any sensation that destabilizes it.

What is Physical Culture?  Most Relevant Features 3

For this purpose, activities such as meditation and yoga are carried out. They also encourage playful activities that help clear the mind.

Boarding fields

The physical culture is approached from different fronts. In this way a lifestyle is built that covers all the necessary aspects.

Physical education

The physical culture must be taught and cultivated in the individual. This is why physical education is a key tool for this Lifestyle .

It is not just about teaching how to do exercises and physical activities. The basis is to understand what are the needs of each body, in order to provide what you need to be healthy.

This area includes the physical aspect, which includes physical activity and nutrition. The mental aspect is also taken into account, when looking for catharsis through playful activities.


The body and mind are also cultivated through health. Care in the diet is an essential part of this lifestyle. There is a special concern to maintain a balanced diet.

They also avoid the consumption of substances harmful to the body, such as tobacco, alcohol or any other type of drug .

The psyche is also taken care of from this field. The anxiety It is highly damaging to health. To help keep anxiety under control, it is proposed to maintain a healthy lifestyle practice meditation .


  1. Physical culture. (2017) britannica.com
  2. The history of physical fitness. (2014) artofmanliness.com
  3. History of the physical culture. (2017) nfpt.com
  4. A brief history of the barbell. (2017) physicalculturestudy.com
  5. Physical history culture. (2016) thierrysanchez.com

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