What is the name of Thor's hammer? Name and 4 curiosities of this powerful weapon

In this article you will discover all the curiosities about one of the most important elements of all Nordic mythology. He was carried by the invincible god of thunder and had immense power, we are talking of course of Thor's hammer . If you are a lover of Viking culture or you've been hooked on the many superhero movies that exist today, this text is made for you. In it you will discover many curiosities about this powerful weapon and you will find answers to some questions. Do you know what is called Thor's hammer, what was his main source of magic or could anyone lift it? Clear all these questions!

The name of this wonderful hammer is Mjolnir and it was made to defeat all the terrible enemies of the gods. During these lines you will discover how it was created, what powers it had and why Thor carried this weapon. Now that you know what is called the hammer of Thor, you will want to know all the curiosities that surround this wonderful tool. Keep reading to discover them!

What is the name of Thor's hammer? All about Mjolnir

1. Meaning of your name

What is the name of Thor's hammer?

It's funny, but the name of the hammer Thor describes it perfectly. In Scandinavian languages, the word Mjolnir literally means "demolishing" . The experts thought, at first, that the name referred to the destructive nature of this wonderful hammer. However, some theories argue that the name makes the relationship that Thor has with agriculture because some Vikings associated with nature. In addition to these two theories about the etymology of Mjolnir, there is a third that believes that the word means lightning, since it was associated with this deity with thunder and lightning. Thanks to this, you will have discovered what is called the hammer of Thor and you have also checked the why of his name .

2. Mjolnir was a hammer?

what was the name of Thor's hammer

This question may seem contradictory in principle, but the truth is that it is still unclear if Thor was carrying a hammer or other weapon. In many representations, Thor wielded a club or an ax .

Be that as it may, this tool appears in all the Nordic legends, it could be thrown away since it always knew to find the way of return and always they were necessary gloves of special iron to be able to raise it. Countless properties were attributed to him, could throw thunder and lightning and it was said that their strength could destroy entire mountains .

Whether a hammer, a club or an ax, the only thing that is clear is that its strength and power were enormous.

3. Who built Mjolnir?

what was the name of Thor's hammer 1

In addition to knowing what was called the hammer of Thor , one of the most important curiosities lies in who made this wonderful weapon possible. One of the most famous legends claim that the creators of Mjolnir were the dwarf brothers called Sindri and Brokk . They were provoked by Loki , the god of deceit, who challenged them by telling them that they would not be able to build such a powerful tool. Although Loki tried to prevent the dwarves from creating this hammer, disguising themselves as fly and delaying their work, they were able to finish their commission. Sindri and Brokk assured the god of thunder that the hammer was the best work they had ever done and so Thor demonstrated by taking him with him to numerous adventures of which he ended up being victorious.

4. Amulet and symbol

What is the name of Thor's hammer?

Now that you know the name of Thor's hammer and who built it, we're going to give you another very curious fact that most people do not know: Mjolnir, besides being one of the most powerful weapons of all Nordic mythology, was also a popular amulet and a symbol used in sacred ceremonies in most northern countries .

The hammer of Thor could be found, represented in jewels like earrings and that served to reveal itself against the invasion of the Christian religious symbols. Another use of these amulets was protection, their bearer trusted that the famous hammer would protect him from all evil.

It also emerged in Iceland a movement called Thórsfrónvé that defended the high Icelandic and the purity of the language, whose symbol was the Mjolnir. It's funny how the weapon of a mythological being can influence so much in the lives of people throughout history, right?

In addition to learn how to call the hammer of Thor , you may also have noticed on reading this article that the weapon carried by the god of thunder has become much more than a symbol. Now we would be interested to know your opinion about Mjolnir and the curiosities you have discovered. Did you know the etymological origin of the word? Did you know that the dwarves who did the work did it for a bet? Have you been surprised by the deep meaning that the hammer of Thor has for some Icelanders? Leave us your comments, we are looking forward to reading them!

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