What were the miracles of Santa Rosa de Lima?

In accordance with the Catholic tradition, miracles of Santa Rosa de Lima They are plentiful. The best known is the episode in front of Pope Clement IX, when he doubted his sanctity and asked for perfumed roses to rain to prove it, and so it happened.

On April 12, 1671, this saint of Peruvian origin, whose real name was Isabel Flores de Oliva, was beatified and became the first Latin American saint. Santa Rosa de Lima is the patron of Peru, the American continent and the Philippines.

What were the miracles of Santa Rosa de Lima?

Among the multiple miracles that are attributed to him include healing the sick, protecting the city of Lima, having contracted mystical marriage with Jesus Christ, conversing with animals, saving a Filipino town during the Second World War and others.

Despite being canonized by the Catholic Church, Santa Rosa was non-religious laywoman. He consecrated his life to God but in his own house, not in a convent, and his main inspiration was St. Catherine of Siena, the famous tertiary of the order of St. Dominic.

She was born in Lima in 1586, and although she was baptized with the name of Isabel, her mother began to call her Rosa, because as she grew older her face became rosy as a flower.

The 8 most important miracles of Santa Rosa de Lima

1- Protection of the city of Lima from the Dutch corsair Joris Spitberg

In 1615, faced with the imminent danger of being sacked by the Dutch pirate Joris Spitberg, Santa Rosa provided protection to the city of Lima. Spitberg was hired by the Netherlands to take the viceroyalty of Peru by storm.

After defeating the troops of Viceroy Marqués de Montesclaros at the battle of Cerro Azul on July 18, 1615, the Dutch corsair continued on its way to El Callao.

His plans were to disembark there and sack Lima with the help of 300 men, who sailed with him in six ships under his charge.

When the Dutch corsair arrived at El Callao, rumors spread that he would take the convent of Santo Domingo to desecrate the sacrament of the altar (because he was a Calvinist) and steal his treasures.

Then, the young Isabel Flores, 29 years old, ran determinedly to the temple to protect with her own body the altar and the sacred Eucharist.

She was willing to die in defense of Catholic values, so she pleaded for the protection of Lima to the Virgin of the Rosary.

Spilbergen decided not to disembark at El Callao or attack the city of Lima. He continued on his way to Paita and Acapulco and never returned. The Lima people attributed the actions and prayers of the saint to a miracle.

Although it should also be noted that the Dutch pirate had been left with his forces greatly diminished after the battle of Cerro Azul.

He lost one of his six boats and a quarter of his men, in addition to which he was received by cannon fire at El Callao.

2- Rain of perfumed flowers in front of Pope Clement IX

This is one of the best-known miracles of the saint of Lima. According to legend, Pope Clement IX was skeptical about the powers and miracles of Santa Rosa and wanted to try them before he beatified her.

After hearing the stories of his miracles, the Supreme Pontiff would have said:"Hum! Patron and Santa! And pink? Let flowers rain on my desk if it's true." Then began to fall on the Pope's table a shower of roses that left him stupefied.

That was how he then approved his canonization, and the young Isabel Flores de Oliva was renamed Santa Rosa de Lima.

3- He healed the sick with the image of the Child Jesus

Another of the miracles for which the fervor of the Limeños grew towards Santa Rosa was the healing of the sick, using a picture of Jesus that he called"little doctor child"and he prayed daily.

According to the stories told about these miracles, Santa Rosa was a devotee of the Child Jesus and had an image of the Divine Child in her house.

The sick came to her in search of a cure or consolation for their ills. She kindly entrusted her healing to the"little doctor". From there, the Catholic faith in the Divine Child spread throughout the continent.

4- The appearance to the Filipino people and their protection during World War II

Another of the stories told about Santa Rosa is the miracle of its appearance to several hundred Filipinos fleeing the Japanese siege during the war.

It happened during the Japanese occupation of the Philippine Islands in the vicinity of a town called Bucol, later renamed Santa Rosa Laguna.

While the troops of the Imperial Army advanced near that place, the Peruvian saint made her appearance and led them to a nearby temple where she offered them shelter and food.

It is said that a beautiful lady dressed in black and white robes led them to the church, in the parish of Santa Rosa.

Once inside she offered plenty of fish and rice. The grateful displaced fell on their knees upon entering the temple and recognized its image presiding over the altar.

Later the Japanese troops arrived at the church. The officers who led the squad tried to enter mounted on their horses, but it was in vain because the animals resisted.

5- Talk with the animals

Another of the enigmas around the life of this saint is that she was attributed the power to speak and be obeyed by animals, as well as San Francisco de Asis, San Martin de Porras and San Antonio de Padua.

It is said that birds, farm animals and even mosquitoes obeyed. She claimed that she normally made friends with animals and asked them to praise God.

According to the legend, as a child she heard her mother say that she would kill a rooster that she had because she did not sing. It was then that the little girl ordered the rooster to sing and the bird did it, thus avoiding his condemnation.

6- The mystical marriage with Jesus

He contracted mystical marriage with Jesus of Nazareth, in the convent of Santo Domingo de Lima.

This miracle is also known as the"mystical betrothal"between Jesus of Nazareth and Santa Rosa de Lima.

It happened in 1617 during Palm Sunday; she was 31 years old. When not receiving any palm, Santa Rosa thought that God was annoyed with her for some offense.

He went to the Chapel of the Rosary where he wept and begged Jesus for forgiveness, and he replied:"Rose of my heart, I want you as a wife." She answered the Lord that she would be his most"humble slave".

7- Make flowers bloom in your garden

The house where Santa Rosa was raised and lived was built in 1728. It is a sanctuary that has a small garden that keeps another of its enigmas and miracles.

In this orchard she cultivated with care and love her multicolored flowers, of exquisite perfume and beauty without equal.

But it is also said that from this haven of peace spontaneously flowered beautiful flowers at the request of Santa Rosa.

8- The miracle of the old lemon tree

An old lemon tree, which according to the legend was dried by the Devil annoyed because Santa Rosa did not pay attention to him in one of the many times he tried to tempt, was revived by her as a child and continued to bear fruit.

However, the devotees wanted to keep a part of the lemon tree and they were tearing off its leaves and branches until it was inert. Of the tree only its trunk is conserved as a witness of the miraculous fact.


  1. Vargas Ugarte, Rubén SJ: The Flower of Lima Santa Rosa. Editorial Paulinas, 2004, Lima, Peru. Recovered from books.google.co.ve
  2. Bilbao, Francisco (1861): Studies on the life of Santa Rosa de Lima. Printing and photofinishing of Berheim and Boneo, Peru. Recovered from books.google.co.ve
  3. Milagros de Santa Rosa de Lima (Summary). Consulted summaryhistory.com
  4. What is the best-known miracle of Santa Rosa de Lima? Retrieved from rpp.pe
  5. Santa Rosa de Lima: this is the tender reason why the 'Baby Jesus' accompanies her. Consulted of diariocorreo.pe
  6. Rosa de Lima (holy). Consulted on es.wikipedia.org
  7. Iraburu, José María (2003). Acts of the Apostles of America (3rd edition). Pamplona: Free Date Foundation. Consulted by web.archive.org
  8. Santa Rosa de Lima. Consulted of biografiasyvidas.com
  9. Santa Rosa de Lima. Consulted history-biography.com

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