Why are Ancient Civilizations Important?

The Importance of ancient civilizations Clearly follows from the impact still perceived in the contemporary world.

Its contributions to science and culture are the basis on which the modern world is built.

Why are Ancient Civilizations Important? Hanging gardens of Mesopotamia.

The term ancient civilizations Refers to the first permanent human settlements that gave rise to cities, nations and empires.

Among the first civilizations are Mesopotamia , China , The old Egypt and the Mesoamerican Empires .

Many of the ideas conceived during this period of history are preserved today. An example of this are the concepts of democracy Y philosophy .

Importance of ancient civilizations in the development of mathematics

One of the key elements in the development of science and technology has been mathematical calculation and algebraic operations. Its origins date back to the ancient era.

There is evidence that the Egyptians, for example, used a decimal number system. Although they did not develop mathematical formulas, they did simple arithmetic operations like adding and subtracting. They also knew the fractions and could calculate area and volume of the shapes.

The Indian civilization developed the numbers and the decimal notation that is used today: the Arabic numerals. They are also owed the introduction of zero.

The Babylonians (a region to the center-south of Mesopotamia) divided the circle into 360 And came close enough to the value of pi.

Development of astronomy

The study of the celestial bodies played an essential role in the ancient world. Though they were loaded with mysticism, the foundations of astronomy as we know them today are found in those first observations.

The Babylonians calculated the courses of the planets and traced the orbits of the sun and moon. The Hindus divided the year into twelve lunar months.

Chinese astronomers could calculate the occurrence of eclipses accurately. And the Mayas designed a calendar of 365 days like the Egyptians.

Development of architecture

There are several mysteries that surround many of the great constructions of antiquity.

It is not known for certain how they were carried out, when they were built, what their purposes were and what they meant to them. But their contributions are undeniable.

The Greeks mixed lime, clay, sand and water to form a new building material: cement.

The Romans Used volcanic lava instead of clay and small fragments of volcanic debris and resulted in a much more resistant material: concrete.

Other contributions of the Romans include the ornamentation and the construction of public baths, sewage, viaducts, aqueducts and bridges.

The impact of Mayan architecture can be seen in Central America, especially in the use of color, open spaces and textures.

Modern architecture finds inspiration in the ecological techniques used by them.

Development of culture

One of the greatest inventions of mankind is writing. This one has its beginnings in the Old Era and since then it has served to register the culture of the different civilizations. Thanks to her she has also managed to preserve the history.

The artistic manifestations were also numerous in that era. The art of the Greeks, represented in their temples, sculptures and ceramics, was intended to highlight the importance and achievements of human beings.

For its part, Egyptian art sought to reflect the perfection of the world at the time of creation and to represent the right relationship between humanity, the king and the pantheon of the gods.

At present, despite the time elapsed, many contemporary artists still find inspiration in the art of ancient civilizations.


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  4. Mastin, L. (2010). Indian Mathematics. The story of mathematics. Retrieved from storyofmathematics.com
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